quarta-feira, 6 de maio de 2009

RAM on L.A. - Tributo a Paul McCartney

RAM On L.A. :: A Tribute To Paul McCartney’s RAM
Uma criação de Aquarium Drunkard ( http://www.aquariumdrunkard.com/ )
Músicas :
Earlimart / Too Many People
Frankel / 3 Legs
The Parson Redheads / Ram On
Bodies of Water / Dear Boy
Radar Bros. / Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey
Naptunes / Smile Away
Los Baby Fools / Heart Of The Country
Le Switch / Monkberry Moon Delight
The Broken West / Eat At Home
Amnion / Long Haired Lady
The Parson Redheads / Ram On (Reprise)
Travel by Sea / The Back Seat Of My Car
Baixe Aqui :

2 comentários:

  1. Thanks a lot, man
    There are some really interesting versions on this record, especially 'the back seat of my car' where they changed the melody completely.
    Thanks again.
    Greetings from Switzerland

  2. Dear friend of Switzerland.
    Thank you for your words. Opportunity to ask that if you have any record with versions of artists of your country only, send to us. Hugs.
